Today I presented some thoughts about state-of-art in model driven development to the professor mentoring me (Marco Torchiano) for my thesis and the company interested in its outputs (Trim). It took me almost two hours to illustrate concrete and philosopical differences across WebRatio, Acceleo (the standalone version, not the one integrated in Eclipse Modelling) and the very rich openArchitectureWare toolsuite. They seemed to be very interested and we decided in which direction focus the next efforts. I am really excited about practical applications of these technologies to concrete projects in the environment of a medium-sized innovative compan such Trim. This company was created with the assistance of Politecnico di Torino and it seems to me that was able to maintain a soul devoted to research and enhancement.
I will have also the opportunity to illustrate some thoughts about my humble efforts to the coming Italian Eclipse DemoCamp. An event organized by RCP-Vision and planned for the 10th of December in Florence. I am really excited about this meeting and also a little bit worried. So it’s better to return working in this project.